Dreams of Flight
Dreams of Flight is an experimental animation film about a little child who dreams of flying. The child considers his toys to be an extension of himself and a way to achieve those dreams. I wanted to show a narrative of this child and his experience in a dream of flying. Towards the end the child realizes that it is only a dream.
The music piece is called Arpanauts by Eric Skiff from his album called Resistor Anthems. It has a happy beginning and towards the end I felt that the mood changes to a feeling of moving out of that happiness.
The first thought that came to my mind because of the mood was of having a happy dream and then realizing that it was not the reality. The thought of flying came because from my childhood I have always been fascinated by aeroplanes and because of the name of the song. Arpanet was the computer network created by DARPA which evolved into today's Internet. Arpanauts, therefore are astronauts of the arpanet.